Philipp Freund is a policy advisor at LGP specializing in international law, politics, and international relations. His emphases lie mainly on the business development, political consultancy and public affairs services offered by LGP, assisting clients through in-depth analysis of the global and regional political and economic climate as well as drawing up strategic advice. Philipp Freund is part of LGP Vienna’s Business Development Team and SEE/Western Balkans Desk and a personal associate of Wolfgang Petritsch, Of Counsel, with whom he has taught seminars at the University of California, Berkeley, and the University of Vienna’s Law Faculty, Juridicum. Philipp Freund is a regular contributor to Vienna Legal and co-authored a number of publications with Wolfgang Petritsch including scientific articles for the Austrian National Bank as well as a book on current affairs published by Brandstetter Verlag. Philipp Freund holds degrees from King’s College London (M.A., Faculty of Social Science and Public Policy) and Webster University Vienna (B.A.). Born in Vienna, he is fluent in German, English, and French.