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Arkady Volozh freed from all European sanctions - media coverage


Arkady Volozh, Russian internet pioneer and founder of Yandex, was freed from all European sanctions in March 2024 by a decision of the European Council with our support.

As a result, he is free to build Nebius AI, an Amsterdam-based artificial intelligence infrastructure service that will allow Europe to finally compete with America and China in this strategically important technology.

We are proud to have been able to help our client and that in his case, the European Council took the legally and politically correct decision!
The Council acted upon recommendation of its legal service following a hearing in front of the General Court of the European Union in which Lansky, Ganzger, Goeth and partners successfully co-represented Mr. Volozh in his application for annulment of his inclusion on the EU sanctions list.

The Financial Times and Der Spiegel both report on the Volozh case:

Yandex founder to build AI business in Europe after Russia exit

Arkadi Wolosch: Yandex-Gründer über Russland, den Kreml und Europas KI-Offensive - DER SPIEGEL

Krieg gegen Ukraine: EU streicht russischen Milliardär von der Sanktionsliste - DER SPIEGEL