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UAE Inaugurated Official Bilingual Legislation Platform


With the start of the UAE Innovation Month in February 2024, the nation’s largest event celebrating innovation and innovators, on 5 February 2024, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum chaired the meeting of the UAE Cabinet of Ministers, launching “UAE Legislation” – an official comprehensive online platform maintained by the General Secretariat of the UAE Cabinet that systemizes the UAE legislation in various sectors.

The prominent feature of UAE Legislation platform is that it provides legislative acts both in Arabic and English. A united platform is meant to encompass federal legislation issued since the establishment of the UAE in 1971 to the present day, inter alia, federal laws, federal decrees, resolutions of the President of the UAE, the Prime Minister and the Cabinet, decisions and circulars issued by ministries and federal entities. Legislation is classified according to 17 main sectors.

UAE Legislation platform provides an easy-navigable and user-friendly interface, allowing to apply several filters for more targeted legal research (such as law type, sector, year of adoption). It is understood that UAE Legislation platform is going to be refined and updated to be fully functional in the nearest time, however, the platform already marks a major step forward towards improving transparency and accessibility of national legislation.

UAE Legislation platform is available at: https://uaelegislation.gov.ae/en.