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How Gabriel Lansky continues to expand his network


Former ministers, high-ranking embassy staff, top managers - they all work for the Viennese lawyer Gabriel Lansky, one of the country's top networkers. Now the lawyer and lobbyist with close ties to the SPÖ has pulled off another clever move. He has brought Gerhard Jarosch, 55, once one of the most prominent public prosecutors, on board as a consultant.

The former highest professional representative of public prosecutors and head of the Austrian office at Eurojust left the judiciary two years ago and joined Rosam-Grünberger, one of the largest domestic PR agencies, as a ten percent partner. There he covers the area of litigation, the communication surrounding legal disputes or criminal proceedings.

There are rumors in the industry that Jarosch, who is about to take the bar exam, will soon be leaving the agency. The independent Jarosch denies this to KURIER: "I will remain a co-owner and will continue to look after clients. In this way, synergies between the law firm and the agency can be utilized in the future."

Wolfgang Hesoun, ex-Siemens boss with close ties to the SPÖ and good connections to the ÖVP, also bought into the agency last year (five percent). However, Lansky is also indirectly involved in the agency as co-owner of Hesoun's investment company MCCG, which was founded in summer 2023. According to the agency, this is only a shell company founded in advance and Hesoun plans to acquire Lansky's shares.

Hesoun, Vice-President of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, and Lansky have been friends for a long time. Together they sit on the board of the Austrian-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce ataz. They are joined by the agency's main owner and former Austrian People's Party politician Silvia Grünberger and Barbara Kolm, former Vice President of the National Bank.

The fact that the former Soviet republic of Azerbaijan is anything but a democracy does not bother Lansky: "The global economy would be quite restricted if companies only had trade relations with flawless democracies." Lansky came under public criticism for his controversial engagement for Kazakhstan against former ambassador Aliyev. Incidentally, ex-SPÖ Chancellor Alfred Gusenbauer, who will soon no longer be a member of the Signa supervisory board, received 120,000 euros via an offshore company for advice in Azerbaijan.

The law firm founded by Lansky, 69, and partner Gerald Ganzger has six international offices and more than 100 employees.

The article was published in the Kurier on February 24.