

em. o. Univ.-Prof. DDr. Heinz Mayer

Senior Expert Counsel at LANSKY, GANZGER, GOETH & Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH

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The constitutional and administrative lawyer EM. O. UNIV.-PROF. DDR. HEINZ MAYER (born 1946 in Mürzzuschlag) is professor emeritus at the University of Vienna - from 2006 to 2014 he was dean of the Faculty of Law. He currently chairs a commission for the protection of human rights within the framework of the Ombudsman Board and works as an external consultant at the international law firm LANSKY, GANZGER, GOETH + partner (LGP). He has also authored several standard legal works, such as "Grundriss des Österreichischen Bundesverfassungsrechts" and "Das österreichische Bundes-Verfassungsrecht". In 2011, he was awarded the Grand Decoration of Honour in Silver for services to the Republic of Austria.

Job description: Senior Expert Counsel at LANSKY, GANZGER, GOETH & Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH
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Korešpondencia: German, English,
  • 1975 Vienna University for Economics and Business Administration, Habilitation for "Public law"
  • 1973 University of Vienna, Political Science, Doctorate degree (Dr. rer. pol.)
  • 1969 University of Vienna, Law, Doctorate degree (Dr. iur.)
  • Since 10/2014 LANSKY, GANZGER, GOETH, FRANKL + partner, Of Counsel
  • 2006 9/2014 University of Vienna, School of Law, Dean
  • 1983 2014 University of Vienna, School of Law, Professor
  • Since 3/2011 Member of the International Advisory Board, City University of Hong Kong, School of Law
  • Since 2011 Nanjing Audit Universität, Honorary professor
  • 1991  2003 Scientific Director of the Boltzmann Institute for the Practice and Application of Legislation
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